Monday, February 10, 2014

Merida - Week 5


Another week that has flown by!

Wednesday we had the baptism for Pascual! It didn't go how we thought it would AT ALL. The Saturday before I think, we were on divisions, so I had the last lesson with him and went over the baptismal interview questions. There were some problems, but my companion was a fresh RM and said since it was more than 30 years ago,  it was fine. Turned out that when the elders interviewed him Tuesday, it WAS a problem after all and we were worried we would have to delay the baptism because the President was pretty busy that day. As we were leaving the church, the elders called us because the President was able to squeeze Pascual in. It worked out better because the President paid for Pascual to go pick up his family in Samal so that they could come to the baptism too- none of them are members. Pascual was really happy and so were we!
Pascual's Baptism!!!

The day of his baptism, Sis. Ludlam got to the chapel to find that the font overflowed...all over the whole building!  As people started coming, we all took about an hour to clean it all up. Pascual's family weren’t able to make it because his wife had her surgery sooner than planned. That was sad, BUT we got permission to go to Samal to teach his family because they really want us to be the ones to teach them. Even though they don't know us yet! Everyone says Samal is really pretty, so we're excited! It's an hour and a half trip though, so we are going to use the whole day this coming Sunday.

After the baptism, we did splits again and I went with a girl in the ward, Paulina, and Abel who just got back from his mission. Paulina technically couldn't teach because she isn't a ward mission leader, so me and Abel taught which was pretty fun!

We taught the 10 year old, Christian. Everytime we teach his family,  it's like a big family thing. His mom, Hermana Lili, and also the couple that lives with them Denis and Maria and their 2 year old Abby, are all there. They're whole family is quite the project. Denis always has tons of doctrinal questions, Maria has some odd religious habits, like whispering during prayers and Hermana Lili is less active, but she has started coming since we've been visiting. I think she just likes church for the social aspect right now, but we're working on getting some depth into her!

Her husband is ALSO a project. He isn't Christian´s dad, so I think he is Hermana Lili's 2nd husband. He can't walk very well and he has a lot of internal pain and is so dependent on others. When we talked about Jesus Christ with him and how Jesus knows how he feels because he suffered for him he started's a tough situtation. I don't think he believes the Mormon church is really the way to follow Christ. He just believes in Christ.

Other things... We had English classes! Half way through we had like 7 members show up and it was really fun. We taught how to bear your testimony and at the end we had a little testimony meeting. Hopefully we get more investigators to come, so it's more worth doing!
Mamey - The fruit I love!
On Friday and Saturday, we had intercambios, exchanges? Not sure what that word is in English, but like when I went to another area for a day, Hermana Torales, the training leader, came to my area for a day. We got two new investigators that day from a member: Monica and Romney. Romney is less active because he had some repentance problems, but wants to come back to the church. Monica is 18 and 8 months pregnant. They aren't married, so we will have to work on that before Monica can be baptized. I'm excited to teach them though.

On Sunday we had Hermana Lili at church with Maria. They brought some family, Hermana Lili's sister and 17 year old son and 2 babies. Another investigator Jesus also came! He is super interested in how the church works and was asking all kinds of questions like what the bishop does, who are the gentiles in the Book of Mormon, etc. He has a baptismal date, so hopefully everything continues to go well with him.
Awesome Iguana!

I'm not really sure what else to add, hopefully it's not too boring! I guess I'll just end with my testimony that I know we are ALL children of a loving Heavenly Father. I know we are all on this earth to be become like our Father. We all have divine potential and because Jesus Christ suffered for all our inadequacies and imperfections, we can become better people and be worthy to enter back into the presence of our Father.

I love you guys! Enjoy your week!
Hermana Harper

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