Tuesday, December 24, 2013

MTC - Week 5

Feliz Navidad!

With Christmas coming up tomorrow, I have a little time to write today, and I'll have a little time tomorrow to respond to emails and write letters :)

One cool thing we did yesterday was skype with members in another country. My companion and I  talked to this dad in Mexico. It was pretty cool! Right before class, we were role playing with our teacher, Bro Zuzunaga, and he was playing one of his friends named Sandy that he grew up with in Peru. She doesn't believe in God, and he was kind of using us for ideas on how to talk to her because he's tried everything. It can be super hard knowing how to say something or what to say to certain people. Obviously you have to completely rely on the spirit, but it can be hard!
Anyway, in skype time afterwards, one of the other companionships was having trouble connecting with the person they were supposed to, so Bro Zuzunaga joked, maybe my friend Sandy will be available! The other teacher was like, yeah! So he texted her and it actually worked out perrrfectly. Zuzunaga was SUPER nervous that she might be a little rude if the missionaries brought up God, but she was super nice. She's just a normal girl, doesn't believe in God. I guess to the missionaries Sandy said she "sometimes" believes in God. Zuzunaga was freaking out because he's tried forever to talk to her and get her to open up to the idea that God exists. It was super cool because it was totally a real missionary experience. Instead of having the fake teacher investigators, Bro. Zuzunaga got it approved for us to skype his friends who aren't members. It's kind of a tricky thing because Bro. Zuzunaga just says "hey, will you help my missionaries practice their spanish?" So we have to very smoothly bring in the gospel, which is easier than I thought. This morning our class skyped his friend Enrique from Peru. Before it worked, we were having lots of technical problems, so we prayed, and figured it out. Power of prayer is really cool:) Enrique is in California right now living with his friend. It was awesome because  Bro. Zuzunaga "wasn't there" and we just talked to him and eventually got it to the point where we asked if he'd pray on his own. He wants a stronger relationship with God, so he said yes! We set up another skype date for thursday. Bro. Zuzunaga is so, so excited about all this. He said he hasn't talked religion much with Enrique and it's way cool that we're beginning to "change" Enrique through committments.

That is probably my most exciting news! Tomorrow for Christmas we are going up to Main Campus all day for a program and to hear a general authority.  I think there is a general authority coming tonight too, since it's devotional night AND christmas eve!

Hope you all have a happy holiday!

Hermana Harper

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