Questions Answered!
We have asked Hilary a few questions in our letters to her, and we got a few answers. We wanted to share them with you:
I'm going to try and answer all your questions!
Do you have any indoor plumbing?
Yes to plumbing. It's all old but works. The shower faucet is low, so we have a bucket underneath and use a cup to pour water over ourselves to shower. Sometimes the water is hot sometimes not. We usually boil water to add if its cold. We buy big jugs of filtered water and have filters in our water bottles for drinking.
Have you had any stomach problems yet? Because of foods or water?
No stomach issues :)
Where do you use the computer? Do you use it at members homes?
We use internet cafes, most people don't have their own computer.
Have you had a chance to learn any new recipes?
I haven’t really learned recipes because I don’t have time. the food really isn’t that different. I could maybe learn to makes the flower drink and tortillas, but nothing is really thaaat different.
We thought you were going to sleep in a Hammock? You said you had a bed?
I’m probably the only one in the whole mission who hasn’t officially slept in a hammock. It’s a little too cold for them right now. I think people really like them here though.
Have you seen any new kinds of animals?
No cool animals...I saw a moth the size of my fist though and a big spider once. The birds sound really tropical here, but I haven’t seen any super cool ones.
Hermana Harper
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Merida - Week 3
First Baptism!
Lots has happened this week! We had a baptism for a lady named Marta. The missionaries before us actually found her, so when we taught her it was just the last few lessons. Its so much easier to teach when the investigator already has a strong testimony. She was super cute because she had her little Book of Mormon with all the pamphlets already inside every time we went to teach her. Marta has to have dialysis all of the time, so she has all these tubes in her stomach going in and out and they can't get wet. It took a lot of faith for her to get baptized because of the whole water thing. Everything worked out great though, of course. That day was super special. It was a good thing to see a baptism so early on because now I just want it for everyone we teach!
First Baptism - Marta |
I also had my first exchange this week. It was for 24 hours right after district meeting last Monday. After the meeting I went with Hermana Janco to her area to teach the rest of that night and the next day. Hermana Janco is from Bolivia and doesn't speak English. I thought it would be hard, but it was really fun. She got here the same day I did, so it was 2 babies out in the world for a day. Everything went really smooth though. It was fun seeing how much we have in common. She knows lots about all the American movies and celebrities. Also, she wanted to know if I have been to all the church sites in SLC, seen any apostles in real life, and other Utah stuff. Who would have thought being from Utah would be so cool to someone? She wants to go to BYU after her mission but she has to learn English first. I practiced a bunch with her that day. During studies we have an hour set aside for English so that was really fun for me. I actually felt smart about something. One word people here cannot say is "through." Haha.
Mission Leader |
One really great lesson was with this 22 year old (Ivan) and his 12 year old Brother Daniel. We went because they're grandma who they live with was an old investigator. They were both really interested and for once we got to share the message and they were actually interested and asking questions. Usually the person just likes to talk and share their views which is really hard, especially when we have lots of appointments. I'm super excited to see where that goes!
Our next baptism is Feb 5th! His name is Pascual and he is 50 years old. He doesn't live with his wife and 2 kids because he has a drinking problem, but he genuinely wants to change his life. Like Marta, we inherited him from the other missionaries, so we can't take too much credit. He is the perfect investigator because he actually comes to church. For so many people its such a hard thing to do. Its super frustrating as a missionary!
Food: I have discovered two fruits that are SUPER delicious. They both taste like versions of mangos. One is called Zapote I think and is like a sugary mango. The other is called Mamae and it has the texture of an avocado. Mmmm. I wish we could buy fruits all the time! It kinda stinks being on a missionary budget. Besides eating at members houses, we eat tortillas, bananas, oatmeal, corn flakes, refried beans... Its really not very Mexican, haha.
Oh, another random thing. Candy like Snickers, Hersheys bar, Butterfinger are SUPER expensive here. Most of the kids don't ever eat it which is interesting. They eat all the wierd chili candy! Drinks too- at every single member meal we either have horchata (my fav) or hamaica, which is from a flower. (I'm probably spelling those wrong). A member actually gave us some of the flowers to try and make it ourselves! Kinda fun.
Yummy Foods! |
Since I don't really have much time left, I'm going to end with a favor! Pray for Hermana Aurora. She is a member and has cancer. It’s so sad because she doesn't have a husband, but she has a son on a mission and a super adorable 7 year old who she practically adopted. Her son is thinking about coming home to help his mom and also he doesn't want her to die before his mission is up. We went over Sunday night to help with homework and stuff and my heart totally went out to her. She has such a hard time with hospital visits and everything, but what she is worried about is her son on the mission who wants to come home and the 7 year old. Ah, so so sad.
Gracias por su apoya! I need all I can get! Seriously.
Hermanana Harper
Monday, January 20, 2014
Merida - Week 2
I never really know what to write...
One really odd thing about Mexico is all the Virgin Mary sanctuaries. They are just about on every house and have lights and dolls and are super strange. They are so old too. So far the American stores I have seen here are Walmart, Mcdonalds, Burger King (more the McDonalds though, weird right?) and Chilis.
My ankles finally aren’t swollen anymore! For like a week and a half they were really swollen...they didn’t hurt, I think it was just the climate. Random fact, I know.
My meal schedule I am finally getting used to. We eat breakfast in our apartment at 7:30 and eat lunch at 2pm with a member, and that is it! We have learned to bring snacks with us everywhere we go, because we are always hungry!
Two investigator stories I want to share.
The first, we were visiting a member and she had a friend over who isn’t a member and we gave a little lesson on family history. By the end of the lesson I think we read in the Book of Mormon, and the friend had been really quiet, but afterwards she went on a little rant about how only the bible is the word of God. I have this scripture marked in 2 Nephi and it is a prophesy how people will say that and God is speaking and saying "why do you murmur because you receive more of my word...I’m the same today yesterday and forever." Anyway, that was like my only "score!" moment. It was so awesome because before she said we couldn’t teach her because she knows everything and doesn’t want to change religions, but I shared that scripture and she softened up and gave us her info to be taught. We will see if it goes was really scary, but I think it was all for the best.
Another lady- Maria, her and her husband live with less actives. One day we went to visit the less active family. the mom is great, but has a lazy husband I can tell. the mom wants her 10 year old to have more church upbringing, so we are going to teach him soon. We brought the 10 year boy and Maria (she is kinda like their maid) to an open house for a new chapel and it went really great. I asked about her hobbies on the way to the open house and she was like "reading the bible" so i could tell she is very religious. We taught her the lesson Saturday and she was so agreeable about everything, even Joseph Smith and she said yes to the baptismal date. When we gave her a day to prepare for, her husband stepped in and said, no Maria. That was so the worst moment. We will see what happens. I wish I could explain more but I’m short on time.
Love you all!
hermana harper
I never really know what to write...
One really odd thing about Mexico is all the Virgin Mary sanctuaries. They are just about on every house and have lights and dolls and are super strange. They are so old too. So far the American stores I have seen here are Walmart, Mcdonalds, Burger King (more the McDonalds though, weird right?) and Chilis.
My ankles finally aren’t swollen anymore! For like a week and a half they were really swollen...they didn’t hurt, I think it was just the climate. Random fact, I know.
My meal schedule I am finally getting used to. We eat breakfast in our apartment at 7:30 and eat lunch at 2pm with a member, and that is it! We have learned to bring snacks with us everywhere we go, because we are always hungry!
Two investigator stories I want to share.
The first, we were visiting a member and she had a friend over who isn’t a member and we gave a little lesson on family history. By the end of the lesson I think we read in the Book of Mormon, and the friend had been really quiet, but afterwards she went on a little rant about how only the bible is the word of God. I have this scripture marked in 2 Nephi and it is a prophesy how people will say that and God is speaking and saying "why do you murmur because you receive more of my word...I’m the same today yesterday and forever." Anyway, that was like my only "score!" moment. It was so awesome because before she said we couldn’t teach her because she knows everything and doesn’t want to change religions, but I shared that scripture and she softened up and gave us her info to be taught. We will see if it goes was really scary, but I think it was all for the best.
Another lady- Maria, her and her husband live with less actives. One day we went to visit the less active family. the mom is great, but has a lazy husband I can tell. the mom wants her 10 year old to have more church upbringing, so we are going to teach him soon. We brought the 10 year boy and Maria (she is kinda like their maid) to an open house for a new chapel and it went really great. I asked about her hobbies on the way to the open house and she was like "reading the bible" so i could tell she is very religious. We taught her the lesson Saturday and she was so agreeable about everything, even Joseph Smith and she said yes to the baptismal date. When we gave her a day to prepare for, her husband stepped in and said, no Maria. That was so the worst moment. We will see what happens. I wish I could explain more but I’m short on time.
Love you all!
hermana harper
Monday, January 13, 2014
Merida - Week 1
Hola Amigos!
Wow! Mexico is crazy. I'm going to try to paint a picture of Mexico for all of you, because I'm sure you are wondering!
All of the streets are set up on a grid...there are houses and shops literally everywhere. I haven't seen any open land at all. I've seen maybe 3 parks that are really cute. Not like playground parks, just cute grassy parks. There are pigeons everywhere and there is SO much greenery there. I wish there were more trees around, but everything is cement! There are lots of palm trees and flower trees that are so fun. Everywhere we walk is pretty trashy, honestly. I've heard Merida is really nice though, so I guess it's just feels trashy to me, comparing it to Utah. There is usually litter evvverywhere. I'm not really sure what the garbage system is here! The members homes really aren't super nice, but I'm getting used to it. Everything is just so old. Everything is cement and tile. My companion says the cement makes things cooler which makes sense.
I think it's cute how there are houses then the bread store, then a paper store, then snacks/treat store. We did go to Walmart today, and it is exactly like the US. I wonder Walmart puts all the little stores out of buisness because it seems like such a pain to go to the fruit market, then another place for bread and tortillas.
My companion and I stick out a lot being two Americans. I think its to our advantage though! Everyone we stop and talk to usually just gives us their information so we can go visit them. I honestly wonder if they do it because they feel obligated. There have been lots of different outcomes with it. We have to do the baptismal question in the first lesson and we have had 3 people say yes! Some have a spouse or something be like, we are catholic. So many people are catholic. Some will just humor us and let us teach them.
For a lot of people we've taught, prayer is a really weird thing. They get so confused how to do it and what to say. We have to explain it super good and a lot of times there are lots of awkward pauses and we don't really know what to do.
On Sunday we brought an investigator with us! Our ward is really really awesome. They're seriously our angels. Everyday we eat with a family and its so nice to talk to people that know who we are and love us for it. The ward isn't really big, but not tiny either. My companion and I both spoke breifly on Sunday, which was fun I guess. The ward was really great with the investigator we brought. His name is Pascual and he is an alcoholic big-time. The first time I met him he was drunk and I had noooo idea what he was saying. He was in our area book because the last missionaries had him. He would like to get baptized, so I hope that works out!
Another investigator we have is this grandpa named Marby. He ate up our message and said yes to baptism. He is super cute! We haven't been able to make contact again, but we are going to keep trying. Another guy we have is Juan Carlos. He actually stopped us on the road and said he had a dream that he needed to come unto God more because times are getting scary. The first lesson he said yes to baptism too and wanted to come to church, but when we walked by his house he wasn't there. Another of my favorites is Jesus. He is an older guy, and he stopped us on the road. He is catholic, but wants to search for more truth. He had this book about the Holy Ghost from some other church he has been reading and he likes it. He also accepted the invitation. He is SUCH a good guy. He likes sewing patch work things and giving them away. We have a bunch of others we meet with that we met on the street, but those were my favorites. Plus my one hour goes way too fast
Other things...that traditional bread with the doll in it? I tried it at mutual on Wednesday! It was pretty good. Ohhh my gosh, Justin Bieber is huge here. Today was our P-day and we took two sisters in the ward with us around town. They are laurel age and one was asking me about Justin Bieber a lot because I said I liked him. You wouldn't believe how americanized things are. More than half the music I hear is in English. There is a lot of the swearing rap music (which is real nice for us missionaries.) A lot of the food we have eaten at members houses is pretty normal. They always try and make us feel more at home I guess. Like hamburgers and pizza. People love pizza here. Today we went to a restaurant and ate gorditas. It was like a tortilla pocket stuffed with meat. They were small, so we got a couple of different kinds each. I definitely want to come back just to try all the foods! My companion is very careful with the money, so we don't buy more than we need hardly ever. Oh, there are dogs and cats EVERYWHERE. I kinda like it, haha. Another very typical thing here are these bread venders. They go around on bikes and honk this obnoxious horn.
Something I do like about here is the weather. Its sticky, but I'm getting used to it. Everyone is always outside pretty much, so its easy to talk to people. People are SO friendly. We always say buenas tardes or buenas noches to people and its fun. During the day the sun is pretty miserable though. Around 5pm or so its perfect! Baths are fun still, not!!! We will see how long my long hair lasts. Its really hard to wash in a bucket! Our laundry is all by hand in buckets too. Super fun. I really miss the US when we are home in our little casa. Spanish still sucks. Its hard having a companion who understands my English. I guess I really should be grateful though. I have learned some Spanish from her. She just doesn't correct me a lot, so I always worry. She really is amazing though, super loving and patient and obedient.
That is probably all I have time for today.
Love you all,
Hermana Harper
Wow! Mexico is crazy. I'm going to try to paint a picture of Mexico for all of you, because I'm sure you are wondering!
All of the streets are set up on a grid...there are houses and shops literally everywhere. I haven't seen any open land at all. I've seen maybe 3 parks that are really cute. Not like playground parks, just cute grassy parks. There are pigeons everywhere and there is SO much greenery there. I wish there were more trees around, but everything is cement! There are lots of palm trees and flower trees that are so fun. Everywhere we walk is pretty trashy, honestly. I've heard Merida is really nice though, so I guess it's just feels trashy to me, comparing it to Utah. There is usually litter evvverywhere. I'm not really sure what the garbage system is here! The members homes really aren't super nice, but I'm getting used to it. Everything is just so old. Everything is cement and tile. My companion says the cement makes things cooler which makes sense.
I think it's cute how there are houses then the bread store, then a paper store, then snacks/treat store. We did go to Walmart today, and it is exactly like the US. I wonder Walmart puts all the little stores out of buisness because it seems like such a pain to go to the fruit market, then another place for bread and tortillas.
My companion and I stick out a lot being two Americans. I think its to our advantage though! Everyone we stop and talk to usually just gives us their information so we can go visit them. I honestly wonder if they do it because they feel obligated. There have been lots of different outcomes with it. We have to do the baptismal question in the first lesson and we have had 3 people say yes! Some have a spouse or something be like, we are catholic. So many people are catholic. Some will just humor us and let us teach them.
For a lot of people we've taught, prayer is a really weird thing. They get so confused how to do it and what to say. We have to explain it super good and a lot of times there are lots of awkward pauses and we don't really know what to do.
On Sunday we brought an investigator with us! Our ward is really really awesome. They're seriously our angels. Everyday we eat with a family and its so nice to talk to people that know who we are and love us for it. The ward isn't really big, but not tiny either. My companion and I both spoke breifly on Sunday, which was fun I guess. The ward was really great with the investigator we brought. His name is Pascual and he is an alcoholic big-time. The first time I met him he was drunk and I had noooo idea what he was saying. He was in our area book because the last missionaries had him. He would like to get baptized, so I hope that works out!
Another investigator we have is this grandpa named Marby. He ate up our message and said yes to baptism. He is super cute! We haven't been able to make contact again, but we are going to keep trying. Another guy we have is Juan Carlos. He actually stopped us on the road and said he had a dream that he needed to come unto God more because times are getting scary. The first lesson he said yes to baptism too and wanted to come to church, but when we walked by his house he wasn't there. Another of my favorites is Jesus. He is an older guy, and he stopped us on the road. He is catholic, but wants to search for more truth. He had this book about the Holy Ghost from some other church he has been reading and he likes it. He also accepted the invitation. He is SUCH a good guy. He likes sewing patch work things and giving them away. We have a bunch of others we meet with that we met on the street, but those were my favorites. Plus my one hour goes way too fast
Other things...that traditional bread with the doll in it? I tried it at mutual on Wednesday! It was pretty good. Ohhh my gosh, Justin Bieber is huge here. Today was our P-day and we took two sisters in the ward with us around town. They are laurel age and one was asking me about Justin Bieber a lot because I said I liked him. You wouldn't believe how americanized things are. More than half the music I hear is in English. There is a lot of the swearing rap music (which is real nice for us missionaries.) A lot of the food we have eaten at members houses is pretty normal. They always try and make us feel more at home I guess. Like hamburgers and pizza. People love pizza here. Today we went to a restaurant and ate gorditas. It was like a tortilla pocket stuffed with meat. They were small, so we got a couple of different kinds each. I definitely want to come back just to try all the foods! My companion is very careful with the money, so we don't buy more than we need hardly ever. Oh, there are dogs and cats EVERYWHERE. I kinda like it, haha. Another very typical thing here are these bread venders. They go around on bikes and honk this obnoxious horn.
Something I do like about here is the weather. Its sticky, but I'm getting used to it. Everyone is always outside pretty much, so its easy to talk to people. People are SO friendly. We always say buenas tardes or buenas noches to people and its fun. During the day the sun is pretty miserable though. Around 5pm or so its perfect! Baths are fun still, not!!! We will see how long my long hair lasts. Its really hard to wash in a bucket! Our laundry is all by hand in buckets too. Super fun. I really miss the US when we are home in our little casa. Spanish still sucks. Its hard having a companion who understands my English. I guess I really should be grateful though. I have learned some Spanish from her. She just doesn't correct me a lot, so I always worry. She really is amazing though, super loving and patient and obedient.
That is probably all I have time for today.
Love you all,
Hermana Harper
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Mission Home, Merida Mexico, January 7, 2014 |
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Merida, Mexico
Hermana Hilary Harper arrived in Mexico on January 6, 2014
I am in Mexico!!!
Not going to lie, it has been kinda tough getting used to everything! It’s funny because everyone says our house is super nice. Compared to the US, its super old and I feel like everything is dirty! There is so much to get used to. The streets are really different, everyone’s house is so locked up (we knock by banging the bars and yelling buenos dias or something), we do bucket showers, sleep in hammocks (right now we actually have beds in our house, but they are a little sketchy). My mission has a LOT of rules...even some silly ones like boys can’t pluck their eyebrows. We also can’t visit tourist sites.
I feel like I have so much to say, but I don’t have much time, and these computers are super confusing!
My companion is NOT native. Our companionship is the first here that is two American sisters. My comp is as white as me, from New Jersey, 19 years old, AND has been here 6 weeks. She isn’t fluent in the language, but her spanish is really good. We are opening an area because I guess there hasn’t been missionaries here for a few months.
We have already made some street contacts which is really cool. My companion is awesome at it. I like to say “hi” to people but I can’t go much further than that. Haha. My companion comes right out with the, we are missionaries can we come teach you sometime? I am honestly surprised how willing people are. There really are so many friendly people here which is awesome. One of our neighbors is a member and she is super awesome. She has a little restaurant and we went there for lunch today.
I probably should have made notes of more things to say, but so far things are good! Hard, but good. My mission president is super nice. His wife is a really classy lady! They both speak english, but hers is better than his. I am actually surprised at how much english we speak. It is actually a rule for us ALL to learn spanish AND english.
Well, got to go! Thanks for all the love and prayers!
Hermana Harper
Mexico Merida Mission |
Not going to lie, it has been kinda tough getting used to everything! It’s funny because everyone says our house is super nice. Compared to the US, its super old and I feel like everything is dirty! There is so much to get used to. The streets are really different, everyone’s house is so locked up (we knock by banging the bars and yelling buenos dias or something), we do bucket showers, sleep in hammocks (right now we actually have beds in our house, but they are a little sketchy). My mission has a LOT of rules...even some silly ones like boys can’t pluck their eyebrows. We also can’t visit tourist sites.
I feel like I have so much to say, but I don’t have much time, and these computers are super confusing!
My companion is NOT native. Our companionship is the first here that is two American sisters. My comp is as white as me, from New Jersey, 19 years old, AND has been here 6 weeks. She isn’t fluent in the language, but her spanish is really good. We are opening an area because I guess there hasn’t been missionaries here for a few months.
We have already made some street contacts which is really cool. My companion is awesome at it. I like to say “hi” to people but I can’t go much further than that. Haha. My companion comes right out with the, we are missionaries can we come teach you sometime? I am honestly surprised how willing people are. There really are so many friendly people here which is awesome. One of our neighbors is a member and she is super awesome. She has a little restaurant and we went there for lunch today.
I probably should have made notes of more things to say, but so far things are good! Hard, but good. My mission president is super nice. His wife is a really classy lady! They both speak english, but hers is better than his. I am actually surprised at how much english we speak. It is actually a rule for us ALL to learn spanish AND english.
Well, got to go! Thanks for all the love and prayers!
Hermana Harper
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
MTC - Week 6
Being on a mission definitely has it's ups and downs. Thursday - Saturday are really long days for our zone because we don't have devotionals, service, or P-day. I think I was getting a little tired of the schedule and also of the fact that everyone is a missionary. Sunday I remember feeling really tired of the talks and everything because yeah they're great, but I want to start doing instead of listening. Monday things turned around a little bit.
My companion and I had to go up to main campus for a bunch of little errands and at the bus stop heading back to West Campus, we ran into a non-member! There was only one other girl at the bus stop who looked about 23ish and had a backpack on and her headphones in. My companion was behind us dancing in the sun or something (she's really silly) and the thought came to me "Hey you're a missionary. You should talk to her." I figured she was probably a member and goes to BYU, but she's latin so I was like, maybe she speaks spanish and will teach me something. I didn't want to be annoying and bug her with her headphones in, but not long after I was standing by her she took them out, so I just asked where she was heading. She said she was going to UVU and so I talked to her a little bit. Turns out she's been here about a month and she's planning on starting at UVU in May. She's from Mexico, but was in Texas a few years before coming here. She said she had some questions about our religion and so we planned to meet her at West Campus later that day in the TRC office. She also speaks spanish, so she said we could do it in spanish. My companion obviously came over about halfway through the conversation, so she was just as excited as me about our appt with her. Oh, her name is Mercades!
When we got back to West Camps, we went to the TRC office to tell the guy about how we made an appt with an investigator and how we were meeting her there and if Mercades comes, don't let other missionaries teach her! He told us after we taught her that he was so impressed at the fire we had about finding someone and teaching them. He said a lot of MTC missionaries are nervous, but we were so excited. The TRC office guy is also from Mexico and says he has NEVER seen American sisters in Mexico and how cool it will be, especially with how old we are!
Monday was a really cool day finding Mercades and teaching her. She had questions about what the temples are and she also opened up to us about her brother that drowned when he was 6 and how she worries about him. Luckily I had the scripture tabbed about children being saved through Christ. It was a super neat conversation/lesson because we gave her so much hope. She's catholic so she was taught there's nothing after this life. I was able to bear my testimony and it was really cool for me. Unfortunately, me and my companion won't be able to keep teaching her, so we have to hand it off. She wants to learn more though!
On a different note, travel plans STILL have not come. They should have come a few days ago, but things have been weird with the holidays. Hopefully everything works out as planned or else I might be stuck in a different mission for a few weeks!
Due to time- I better leave it at that. I love you guys! I hope everything is going well. Email me if exciting things happen or anything- I'm so disconnected here! Haha
Hermana Harper
Being on a mission definitely has it's ups and downs. Thursday - Saturday are really long days for our zone because we don't have devotionals, service, or P-day. I think I was getting a little tired of the schedule and also of the fact that everyone is a missionary. Sunday I remember feeling really tired of the talks and everything because yeah they're great, but I want to start doing instead of listening. Monday things turned around a little bit.
My companion and I had to go up to main campus for a bunch of little errands and at the bus stop heading back to West Campus, we ran into a non-member! There was only one other girl at the bus stop who looked about 23ish and had a backpack on and her headphones in. My companion was behind us dancing in the sun or something (she's really silly) and the thought came to me "Hey you're a missionary. You should talk to her." I figured she was probably a member and goes to BYU, but she's latin so I was like, maybe she speaks spanish and will teach me something. I didn't want to be annoying and bug her with her headphones in, but not long after I was standing by her she took them out, so I just asked where she was heading. She said she was going to UVU and so I talked to her a little bit. Turns out she's been here about a month and she's planning on starting at UVU in May. She's from Mexico, but was in Texas a few years before coming here. She said she had some questions about our religion and so we planned to meet her at West Campus later that day in the TRC office. She also speaks spanish, so she said we could do it in spanish. My companion obviously came over about halfway through the conversation, so she was just as excited as me about our appt with her. Oh, her name is Mercades!
When we got back to West Camps, we went to the TRC office to tell the guy about how we made an appt with an investigator and how we were meeting her there and if Mercades comes, don't let other missionaries teach her! He told us after we taught her that he was so impressed at the fire we had about finding someone and teaching them. He said a lot of MTC missionaries are nervous, but we were so excited. The TRC office guy is also from Mexico and says he has NEVER seen American sisters in Mexico and how cool it will be, especially with how old we are!
Monday was a really cool day finding Mercades and teaching her. She had questions about what the temples are and she also opened up to us about her brother that drowned when he was 6 and how she worries about him. Luckily I had the scripture tabbed about children being saved through Christ. It was a super neat conversation/lesson because we gave her so much hope. She's catholic so she was taught there's nothing after this life. I was able to bear my testimony and it was really cool for me. Unfortunately, me and my companion won't be able to keep teaching her, so we have to hand it off. She wants to learn more though!
On a different note, travel plans STILL have not come. They should have come a few days ago, but things have been weird with the holidays. Hopefully everything works out as planned or else I might be stuck in a different mission for a few weeks!
Due to time- I better leave it at that. I love you guys! I hope everything is going well. Email me if exciting things happen or anything- I'm so disconnected here! Haha
Hermana Harper
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