Monday, January 20, 2014

Merida - Week 2


I never really know what to write...

One really odd thing about Mexico is all the Virgin Mary sanctuaries. They are just about on every house and have lights and dolls and are super strange. They are so old too. So far the American stores I have seen here are Walmart, Mcdonalds, Burger King (more the McDonalds though, weird right?) and Chilis.

My ankles finally aren’t swollen anymore! For like a week and a half they were really swollen...they didn’t hurt, I think it was just the climate. Random fact, I know.

My meal schedule I am finally getting used to.  We eat breakfast in our apartment at 7:30 and eat lunch at 2pm with a member,  and that is it! We have learned to bring snacks with us everywhere we go, because we are always hungry!

Two investigator stories I want to share.

The first, we were visiting a member and she had a friend over who isn’t a member and we gave a little lesson on family history.  By the end of the lesson I think we read in the Book of Mormon,  and the friend had been really quiet, but afterwards she went on a little rant about how only the bible is the word of God. I have this scripture marked in 2 Nephi and it is a prophesy how people will say that and God is speaking and saying "why do you murmur because you receive more of my word...I’m the same today yesterday and forever." Anyway, that was like my only "score!" moment. It was so awesome because before she said we couldn’t teach her because she knows everything and doesn’t want to change religions, but I shared that scripture and she softened up and gave us her info to be taught. We will see if it goes was really scary, but I think it was all for the best.

Another lady- Maria,  her and her husband live with less actives.  One day we went to visit the less active family. the mom is great, but has a lazy husband I can tell. the mom wants her 10 year old to have more church upbringing,  so we are going to teach him soon. We brought the 10 year boy and Maria (she is kinda like their maid) to an open house for a new chapel and it went really great.  I asked about her hobbies on the way to the open house  and she was like "reading the bible" so i could tell she is very religious. We taught her the lesson Saturday and she was so agreeable about everything, even Joseph Smith and she said yes to the baptismal date.  When we gave her a day to prepare for,  her husband stepped in and said, no Maria. That was so the worst moment. We will see what happens. I wish I could explain more but I’m short on time.

Love you all!
hermana harper

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