Wednesday, January 1, 2014

MTC - Week 6


Being on a mission definitely has it's ups and downs. Thursday - Saturday are really long days for our zone because we don't have devotionals, service, or P-day. I think I was getting a little tired of the schedule and also of the fact that everyone is a missionary. Sunday I remember feeling really tired of the talks and everything because yeah they're great, but I want to start doing instead of listening. Monday things turned around a little bit.

My companion and I had to go up to main campus for a bunch of little errands and at the bus stop heading back to West Campus, we ran into a non-member! There was only one other girl at the bus stop who looked about 23ish and had a backpack on and her headphones in. My companion was behind us dancing in the sun or something (she's really silly) and the thought came to me "Hey you're a missionary. You should talk to her." I figured she was probably a member and goes to BYU, but she's latin so I was like, maybe she speaks spanish and will teach me something. I didn't want to be annoying and bug her with her headphones in, but not long after I was standing by her she took them out, so I just asked where she was heading. She said she was going to UVU and so I talked to her a little bit. Turns out she's been here about a month and she's planning on starting at UVU in May. She's from Mexico, but was in Texas a few years before coming here. She said she had some questions about our religion and so we planned to meet her at West Campus later that day in the TRC office. She also speaks spanish, so she said we could do it in spanish. My companion obviously came over about halfway through the conversation, so she was just as excited as me about our appt with her. Oh, her name is Mercades!

When we got back to West Camps, we went to the TRC office to tell the guy about how we made an appt with an investigator and how we were meeting her there and if Mercades comes, don't let other missionaries teach her! He told us after we taught her that he was so impressed at the fire we had about finding someone and teaching them. He said a lot of MTC missionaries are nervous, but we were so excited. The TRC office guy is also from Mexico and says he has NEVER seen American sisters in Mexico and how cool it will be, especially with how old we are!

Monday was a really cool day finding Mercades and teaching her. She had questions about what the temples are and she also opened up to us about her brother that drowned when he was 6 and how she worries about him. Luckily I had the scripture tabbed about children being saved through Christ. It was a super neat conversation/lesson because we gave her so much hope. She's catholic so she was taught there's nothing after this life. I was able to bear my testimony and it was really cool for me. Unfortunately, me and my companion won't be able to keep teaching her, so we have to hand it off. She wants to learn more though!

On a different note, travel plans STILL have not come. They should have come a few days ago, but things have been weird with the holidays. Hopefully everything works out as planned or else I might be stuck in a different mission for a few weeks!

Due to time- I better leave it at that. I love you guys! I hope everything is going well. Email me if exciting things happen or anything- I'm so disconnected here! Haha

Hermana Harper

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